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Daniel Kasprowski

Anniversary Research Fellow, University of Southampton

All teaching materials for my current lectures are available on blackboard. This side contains links to older teaching materials from my time at the University of Bonn.

WS 22/23Seminar: Graduate Seminar on Topology
SS 22:Lecture course: Topology II
Organization of the Bachelorbegleitseminar
WS 21/22:Lecture course: Topology I
SS 21:Lecture course: Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie
WS 20/21:Lecture course: Rechen- und Argumentationstechniken
SS 20:Seminar: Characteristic classes II
WS 19/20:Seminar: Characteristic classes
Assistant for the lecture course: Algebraic Topology I
SS 19:Lecture course: Topology II
WS 18/19:S2D3 – Hauptseminar Differentialtopologie (with Wolfgang Lück)
Lecture course: Geometric Group Theory
Assistant for the lecture course: Topologie I
SS 18:S1G1-Seminar: Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen (with Christian Wimmer)
Assistant for the lecture course: Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie
WS 17/18:Seminar: Knot theory (with Christoph Winges)
SS 17:Assistant for the lecture course: Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie
Seminar: Lie groups (with Viktoriya Ozornova)
WS 16/17:Assistant for the lecture course: Algebraic Topology I
Seminar: The Farrell-Jones conjecture (with Mark Ullmann, Christoph Winges and Jianchao Wu)
SS 16:Geometric Topology Seminar (with Wolfgang Lück and Peter Teichner)